Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Few Favorite Food Sites...

I have been trying to research more solid finger foods and meals as the girls are quickly approaching one year old.  I am looking forward to getting expensive formula out of the equation but I am worrying as it's like my crutch and I know the girls are getting some balanced nutrition from it.  So in an effort to find healthy food that provides good nutrition I refer you to a couple of my new favorites:  (this is by Dr Brown's ; I found this on Pinterest and I am excited to try some of the recipes)  (I also like the recipes on this page).  (this page has links for sample daily menus (amounts, type of food, etc) for 8-12 and 1 year old...awesome!)

Basically I am thinking of making this my own personal link (and yours) to recipes I find online for babies and older children.  I am not crazy enough to think or claim I know enough about nutrition to lead anyone down that path but I do love sharing the information I find (plus organizing for my own purpose).  Enjoy these and if you try a recipe let me know how it goes.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Cheese Quesadilla

The girls have a new favorite finger food.  Yesterday I threw together a cheese quesadilla for them and they ate all of it (and in a hurry).  I don't know if it's the most healthy thing in the world but it is the easy to make and something we almost always have on hand at our house.

Cheese Quesadilla 
1 flour tortilla
1/4 cup or less of shredded cheese

Simply sprinkle the cheese on the tortilla.  Then heat it to melting (I microwaved it) and then fold the tortilla over itself.  Using a pizza cutter (or a knife) cut into strips and then cut the strips into little bite size squares.  Serve on the warm side but make sure the cheese isn't too hot.

*Follow the 4 day rule if your child has not been introduced to a food included in a dish

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Apple Cubes

We have been having lots of fun with finger foods lately and table foods (ie sharing foods we eat).  Tonight they enjoyed some gnocchi with a little alfredo sauce...they loved it.  I also boiled some apples that I had quartered while we were eating dinner.  Once our dinner was over I doused the apples in cold water to cool them off and then skinned them and cut them into small cubes.  The girls seemed to really enjoy apples in this form.

I am excited to also try some of the chunkier recipes out Annabel Karmel's book also.  I think we are going to be turning the corner with this blog into more of the creative side of food for kids and less of the instructional or whatever it may be right now.